Category: Uncategorized

  • Final Reflection Part 1:

    1- Throughout my journey in this course I was able to gain new skills and improve ones that I had before and also got to learn about new things that i had little to no information about. The thing that really interested me the most was the class when we talked about the differences in…

  • Digital Literacy Pathway

    Step 2: I have read the article titled: “Knowing the Difference Between Digital Skills and Digital Literacies, and Teaching Both” I was fascinated by the fact that there is a difference between digital skills and digital literacy, I know this is something we discussed during class before but the only that I would have known…

  • Final reflection Part 2:

    Class Furniture: So this semester was the first for us here at AUC with the new and unorthodox interactive classrooms, which were extremely fun to learn in and completely innovated the way we as students learn from our professor. Starting with the touch boards which were distributed all over the classroom to ensure that all…

  • Saying Goodbye

  • Make a Change

    The aim of this game is to try and educate people about the dangerous of climate change and how small changes and contributions by each of us can make a change in the world and turn things around for the best and actually give a chance for the upcoming generations to live on this Earth…

  • A Gate to the world

    Going into Soliya I didn’t really know what to expect or what I was going into how the discussions were going to be or what the outcome of this 4-week course was supposed to look like and to be honest I was a bit nervous due to all these factors. However, once I went into…

  • More Time with the Kids

  • Am I Who AI Says I Am

  • A Game or Reality

  • Pre Solayia Reflection

    If the matter of Palestine comes up during the conversations in Solayia I will be open to listening to what people have to say and ready with my responses backed up with evidence from the Torah and history to try and enlighten anybody who has misinformation about the conflict  Refrences: How language shapes the way…

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